Grow! How to Close Your Brand Gap

Join us for a free (and not too long) workshop to discover why your brand isn’t growing the way you’d like

You probably have a sneaking suspicion something isn’t quite working…

You’re struggling to build on your initial success without compromising your vision.

It’s hard to consistently attract the right kind of customer. You’re having difficulty building a community around your product. You know you need to mature your branding.

But managing your brand across multiple platforms is already a nightmare.

Everyone says the solution is to tell your story. But what is it?

You’ve tried tinkering with things, but you haven’t got the hours in the day to really find and sort out the problems. Luckily, you’re reading this…

Our Grow! interactive workshops are designed to get to the heart of branding quickly and powerfully. The cost to you is some time (about 90 mins) and as much commitment and honesty as possible. The ROI, however, can be game-changing.

What Do You Get?

  • How to think about branding in a fresh way
  • A guided diagnosis of where the real problems lie—from your core values to look-and-feel. (This is usually where we get the Aha! moments.)
  • How to follow up with customer/client testing, which includes a suggested questionnaire
  • A complimentary follow-up call

A Word From Our Fans

Participating in the Grow! workshop feels something like this…

How to Join?

Click on the session that you would like to join below. Looking forward to seeing you there.

* Free? So what’s the catch? Well, we enjoy working with clients we feel aligned with: people who share similar values and value similar things. This workshop is a way of finding and connecting to those people. We won’t bug you afterwards—unless you want us to.

Upcoming sessions…